Monday, November 23, 2009

Drug Makers Raise Prices in Face of Health Care Reform!

From POGO:

Even as drug makers promise to support Washington’s health care overhaul by shaving $8 billion a year off the nation’s drug costs after the legislation takes effect, the industry has been raising its prices at the fastest rate in years. In the last year, the industry has raised the wholesale prices of brand-name prescription drugs by about 9 percent, according to industry analysts. That will add more than $10 billion to the nation’s drug bill, which is on track to exceed $300 billion this year. By at least one analysis, it is the highest annual rate of inflation for drug prices since 1992. The drug trend is distinctly at odds with the direction of the Consumer Price Index, which has fallen by 1.3 percent in the last year. Critics say the industry is trying to establish a higher price base before Congress passes legislation that tries to curb drug spending in coming years. “When we have major legislation anticipated, we see a run-up in price increases,” says Stephen W. Schondelmeyer, a professor of pharmaceutical economics at the University of Minnesota. A Harvard health economist, Joseph P. Newhouse, said he found a similar pattern of unusual price increases after Congress added drug benefits to Medicare a few years ago, giving tens of millions of older Americans federally subsidized drug insurance. Just as the program was taking effect in 2006, the drug industry raised prices by the widest margin in a half-dozen years. “They try to maximize their profits,” Mr. Newhouse said.

Note: For lots more from reliable sources on corporate corruption, click here.

POGO's Request for Transparency to Revolving Door Database Denied

November 20, 2009

Earlier this year, POGO(Project on Government Oversight) urged the Obama administration to make a legislatively

mandated DoD revolving door database public. We also submitted a public comment urging government officials

to do the same. Yesterday, DoD finalized that rule, but denied POGO’s request for public access.

In their explanation, DoD seemed to pass the buck over to over to Congress:

One source submitted comments on the interim rule. That source supported the rule and its objectives, but recommended that the central database/repository for retention of written ethics opinions, required by section 847(b), be made publicly available. DoD has not adopted this recommendation, as section 847 does not authorize access to the database by the general public.

The only problem with this reasoning is that Congress did not expressly deny public access to data — the law merely

states that DoD create an ethics opinion database.

POGO wonders what the harm is in seeing a list of former government officials who are now working for defense

contractors. We have campaign finance and lobbying disclosure – why not expose those circulating between the

public and private sectors who might be a driving force behind government decisions and policies?

"Public access to the revolving door database represents the kind of open government that the public wants and

deserves. If this Administration is serious about open government, it needs to provide public access to the

database about the well-oiled DoD revolving door," said POGO's General Counsel, Scott Amey.

This is a coincidence given this week's USA Today article on retired military generals with ties to defense contractors

top military brass should be included in a public revolving door database too.

Related links:
POGO Urges President Obama to Provide Public Access to Contracting and Ethics Databases
POGO wants Public DoD Revolving Door Database
The Politics of Contracting

Founded in 1981, the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) is an independent nonprofit that investigates and

exposes corruption and other misconduct in order to achieve a more effective, accountable, open, and ethical federal government.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Drugmakers, Doctors Rake in Billions on Swine Flu

Our health is not the real focus in the "new and improved" Flu pandemic massive scare campaign by the Drug Cartel Pharmaceutical Manufactures and their coconspirators within the U.S. Government.

The Drug Cartel Pharmaceutical Manufacturers have already sold over $1.5 billion worth of swine flu shots, in addition to the $1 billion for the regular seasonal flu they booked earlier this year. These inoculations are part of a much wider and rapidly growing $20 billion global vaccine market.

"The vaccine market is booming," says Bruce Carlson, spokesperson at market research firm Kalorama, which publishes an annual survey of the vaccine industry. "It's an enormous growth area for pharmaceuticals at a time when other areas are not doing so well," he says, noting that the pipeline for more traditional blockbuster drugs such as Lipitor and Nexium has thinned.

As always with pandemic flu's, TAXPAYERS are footing the $1.5 billion check for the 250 million swine flu vaccines that our government has ordered so far and will be distributing FREE to doctors, pharmacies and schools.

In addition, Congress has set aside more then $10 billion this year to research flu viruses, monitor swine flu's progress and educate the public about prevention.

Our government officials have granted immunity against any repercussions/law suits to the Drug Cartel Pharmaceutical manufacturers and any involved government official, in this "New and improved" massive flu scare campaign and their "New and improved, untested, unknown swine flu vaccine."


Saturday, November 21, 2009

U.S. Government Grants Swine Flu Vaccine Makers & Involved Government Officials Immunity!

Why is it the U.S. Government senses the need to protect the drug cartel makers of the swine flu vaccine, and their coconspirators in government from any repercussions/law suits arising from the use of this untested/unproved vaccine which they are forcing on hundreds of millions of people with their vast media backed scare conspiracy?

Remember the Avian flu scare which received so much hype several years ago? Very few people died or were hospitalized, yet according to media reports, then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld alone made $5 million on sales of Tamiflu, which were never needed at the time.

Consider also that Adrian Gibbs, a scientist on the team that developed Tamiflu (the drug most recommended for the swine flu), submitted a report stating that swine flu may have been man-made.

There are many questions regarding all of the fear hype around both the Avian flu and Swine flu. How much of this is a way to pump billions of dollars into the pockets of the REAL DRUG CARTELS: the pharmaceutical manufacturers?

THINK VERY CAREFULLY before deciding to get a Swine flu vaccine for yourself or your children! You may end up doing more harm than good!

Also consider the Avian flu vaccine had a shelf life of two(2) years. After the drug was sold to countries around the world(besides the U.S.) which stock piled the drug anticipating great devastation if they did not have it on hand; the BIG devastation never occurred and the vast majority of those vaccines went unused and unusable.

The REAL DEVASTATION was, and continues to be, that MEGA RIP OFF by the REAL DRUG CARTELS: The Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, all the while being assisted by many elected officials in our Congress, Senate & the Whiter House!

Why else would the government seek to protect the makers of these drugs, and themselves by granting immunity?

Unless they truly believe there may be some very significantly dangerous results from taking the vaccine, before proper testing of the vaccine?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Massachusetts Officials Approve $9 Million In Stimulus Funds For Patriots Footbridge!


The Metropolitan Planning Organization in Massachusetts has approved the use of $9 Million dollars of Stimulus funding to be used for building a footbridge at the New England Patriots Gillette stadium.

Its not enough that Robert Kraft(owner of the Patriots) has received never ending perks and tax breaks from the state, now the scum bags in state government are going to give him $9 million more, at taxpayer expense to build some thing he should build on his own.

The billionaire Kraft has recently increased his political donations to Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick(don't let his name confuse you like it did Massachusetts voters-he's black, not Irish).

Of course the dirt bag governor will never admit that the $9 million dollar kick back to Kraft has any thing to do with the billionaire's political and financial support, and how many of his friends did he get to contribute?

I wonder just how much someone has to contribute to Deval, the dirt bag, Patrick to get $9 million in return, I mean how much they REALLY have to contribute?

Again, elected officials sticking it up the ass of the common folk.

With unemployment numbers setting new records on a regular basis, people struggling to find ways to feed their families, people going cold over the winter due to the price gouging by the energy companies, people losing their homes and apartments; the scum bag bastard Massachusetts State officials decide to give another $9 million, to a billionaire!

WHEN will it hurt enough to start doing some thing about it?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Town Selectman Tells Detractors, If You Don't Like It, Leave Town

About 10 residents of Uxbridge, Massachusetts went to the selectman's meeting on October 13Th to tell panel member Beth Pitman what they thought about a statement she made during the September 28, 2009 selectman's meeting.

At that meeting Pitman said if residents couldn't afford to pay for a new high school they should consider moving out of town!

After being tipped off that residents were upset with her remarks and were planning on confronting her during the October 13Th meeting, Beth Pitman decide to try and avoid the TAXPAYING VOTERS and deliberately arrived late.

It looks as though the arrogance and power drunk systematic encroachment of our rights by those elected to represent us, has "Trickled Down" to every level of government. That must be what George Bush(little Bush's baby daddy) meant by his "Trickle Down" effect.

Now its become almost fashionable for politicians to piss on us without fear of retribution.


Imagine that! How insanely disrespectful and Gestapo like we have allowed our elected officials to treat us AND GET AWAY WITH IT!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

After Forcing Residents Out of Their Homes, Pfizer Inc. Announced It Is Moving


NEW LONDON, Conn. — After drug giant Pfizer Inc. announced that it was opening a new research center here, city officials aggressively moved to acquire surrounding land for an economic development project — triggering an epic fight over eminent domain that reached the U.S. Supreme Court and ended with residents being forced from their homes.

But the land where the homes once stood has remained undeveloped, and the community took another hit last week when Pfizer, a major economic engine in the city and its largest taxpayer, announced plans to close the $350 million research center and relocate about 1,500 workers to nearby Groton.

Now some angry and befuddled current and former residents, including some who lost their homes, say the drug company's announcement reaffirms their conviction that the city never needed to pick the property rights fight in the first place. If they have lost, they say, then so apparently has the city. “We just got so sick of hearing that we were supposed to sacrifice for the greater good,” said Matthew Dery, the sales and retention manager at The Day newspaper in New London who relocated to Waterford after being forced out of a home that had been in his family for about a century. “As it turns out, there was no greater good.”
Pfizer's pharmaceutical research center, which opened in 2001, was a catalyst for a planned multimillion-dollar private development that was to include residential, hotel conference, research and development space and a new state park. City officials decided they needed 90 acres adjacent to the Pfizer center to complement the building.
Many homeowners in the Fort Trumbull neighborhood sold to accommodate the wrecking crews, but seven fought the city all the way to the Supreme Court, which ruled 5-4 in 2005 that cities could use eminent domain to take property for private development.
Efforts to develop the area have since faltered as one firm that planned to develop nearly the entire northern half of the Fort Trumbull peninsula failed to secure financing, while backers halted fundraising for a proposed $60 million Coast Guard museum.
Pfizer said in a statement that eminent domain played no part in the building's development since it was constructed on industrial brown field. The company said it worked with the state to clean up the polluted site, formerly an abandoned mill and scrap yard, and had no stake in the court case or in the land the city seized for private development.
As for pulling out of New London, the company says it's consolidating following its recent merger with Wyeth Pharmaceuticals.
And some in the former whaling hub see Pfizer's departure as added injury after the stalled development, further proof of a fight that no one needed — or won.
“It was for nothing, basically,” New London resident Pat Lee, 64, said while preparing sandwiches behind the counter at Paty's Shaw's Cove Deli.
Susette Kelo, the lead plaintiff and owner of a pink house that was sold to a preservationist for a dollar, said she was not surprised by Pfizer's planned departure or by the lack of development in the area. Kelo, a nurse, was paid $442,000 by the state for her old property, which was moved less than two miles away, and she now lives in Groton. Other homeowners forced to leave were also compensated by the state.
“We always thought it was foolish from the beginning; we had always said that from the beginning,” she said.
John Brooks, executive director of the New London Development Corporation, acknowledged the Pfizer project was a catalyst for the broader economic development proposal but stressed that the projects were separate. He said he still believed the land would be put to use and blamed the recession for the delay.
“It's ready for development, and development's going to happen once the economy rebounds,” Brooks said.
Dana Berliner, a senior attorney with the Institute for Justice who represented the homeowners, said the episode underscores why local governments should not take “risky” and “inadvisable” business deals involving their own residents. The institute says more than 40 states have taken steps to better protect property owners from seizures by eminent domain.
“There was evidence back when we had the trial that nothing would be built on the land that was taken, and the courts just didn't want to look at that,” Berliner said. “They said, 'Well, the city's got a plan, and we'll just trust that they know what they're doing because they say they have a plan.' ”
Pfizer's departure could ripple far beyond the eminent domain debate as some small business owners are fretting about the loss of a major economic player.
Paty Daignault, owner of Paty's Shaw's Cove Deli, estimated that Pfizer accounts for about $3,000 a year, a third of her annual business, between catering and walk-in orders.
As for Dery, the newspaper employee, he has not returned to the old neighborhood since he left three years ago.
“I would never go back there,” he said. “That was our property. That's our water view. Those are our homes. It didn't belong to the community at large.”

MY THOUGHTS: Since when is the taking of an American citizen's home a good thing? The U.S. Supreme Court, through its decision in this case, proves that corporate giants own this country and that the American citizens do not matter to them.

It is time to begin demanding that Supreme Court judges are limited to four-six year terms on the court. If Federal judges can be granted "Life Time" job security, EVERY American should be entitled to the same!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Swine Keep Country in Fear Over Swine Flu & Limited Vaccines

The head swine in Washington, coupled with the largest drug manufacturing swine, appear to be purposely suppressing the number of available swine flu vaccines in order to create anxiety among the people who believe supplies will run out before they can get their dose.

Supply and demand mean anything to anyone?

The BIGGEST & MOST POWERFUL drug dealers in our society are driving up the demand so that at precisely the right time, they can put their drug manufacturer's gun to our heads and demand obscene amounts of cash for the saving grace fix.

Along with the blessings of their Co-conspiring friends in Congress, the Senate, and the White House, the most largest and most powerful drug cartel on earth will help themselves to Billions upon Billions of taxpayer dollars during this scam.

More people die from the regular flu on a yearly basis, yet these ass-wipes have the entire country trembling in fear, and lining up in droves hoping to receive a dose of the saving grace vaccine-which has not been appropriately tested; the testing process is being administered on those lining up for their fix.

And if Obama really gives a damn about saving lives why did he give hundreds of Billions of taxpayer dollars to the evil bastards who created the financial melt down of our great country: Bankers, Investment/Brokerage firms, and Insurance companies-and Auto manufactures and absolutely NOTHING to the victims of Katrina still devastated in New Orleans?

Not even to his own African American brothers and sisters did he extend a hand!

Monday, November 16, 2009

First "Hermis Live" Blog Talk Radio Show A Success!

Thank you to all the guests that called into my new Blog Talk Radio show last night, to all those who were posting in the chat room during the show and to all the listeners!

You all made the first "Hermis Live" Blog Talk Radio show a success.

I also want to thank everyone who has left a message at my home phone, via email and on facebook.

You have all reaffirmed my commitment to keep doing what I do in shining the light of day onto authorities who think they are above the law.

Thank You once again!


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Extra! Extra! Hear All About It!

You can never keep a good man down!

Last Sunday(November 8, 2009) "Hermis Live" aired its last show on "True Talk" AM830 WCRN.

Only Hermis did not know that was the last show. "True Talk" WCRN suddenly terminated "Hermis Live" within hours of a harsh & critical commentary that shed the light of question on the actions of State & Federal agents in their roadside detention, arrest, and subsequent conviction of a member of the worlds largest motorcycle club.

"True Talk" WCRN isn't True Talkin' about the abrupt and sudden termination of the "Hermis Live" show.

Tonight, "Hermis Live" speaks out publicly for the first time since WCRN's back stabbing, lowlife actions.

Tune into "Hermis Live" 8PM-10PM(eastern time) tonight and every Sunday, by going to: and clicking the BlogTalkRadio link on the page, or by going to:

If you happen to miss the show you can hear it later since the show is podcast & archived, you can choose to listen to it or even download it at your convenience!

Tonight's guests include the "Chicken Whisperer" who will also be heard on the nationally syndicated "MANCOW" radio show this Thursday, November 19th at 7:40AM.

My sincere thanks to all who have voiced their support over the past several days!

And now, for the REAL True Talk!

And Remember: NEVER TALK TO THE POLICE, other than to identify yourself and then remain silent!



Saturday, November 14, 2009

Emails, Comments & Phone Calls Still Coming in About "Hermis Live" Show Termination

Calls, emails, & comments are still coming in with regard to the sudden termination of the "Hermis Live" radio show by WCRN AM830 almost immediately following a scathing, no holds barred, truthful commentary shedding light onto the questionable and illegal tactics used by State & Federal agents in the roadside detention, arrest, and subsequent conviction of a member of the largest motorcycle club in the world.

This gestapo type take down by taxpayer funded/paid government employees is a slap in the face to all Americans.

It has NEVER been, NOR IS IT NOW, legal for our government employees to break the very laws they are hired to enforce in their overzealous attempts to imprison people they don't like, fear, or simply find reprehensible.

These agents work for US, you and I, and they need to start respecting our rights and liberties or face losing theirs. We CAN demand that agents within law enforcement be held accountable when they violate civil liberties and constitutionally protected rights, and demand they be charged in the Courts of our land. And if the judges let them off, we need to band together legally and politically to remove those judges.

This is OUR country, we the people!

Tune into:
Sunday, November 15, 2009 at 8PM eastern time, and hear Hermis' first public comments on WCRN's termination of "Hermis Live" following his comments about State & Federal agents.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Welcome to the first Blog Talk Radio "Hermis Live!" show

Welcome to the first Blog Talk Radio "Hermis Live!" show, Sunday November 15, 2009. Formerly aired on "True Talk" AM830 WCRN at 10PM Sundays... we are now live across the nation at 8PM-10pm(eastern time) this, & every Sunday.

On Sunday, November 8, 2009 "Hermis Live" aired a scathing commentary shining light onto the questionable tactics used by State & Federal agents in the detention, arrest, & subsequent conviction of a member of the worlds largest Motorcycle Club.

"True Talk" AM830 WCRN terminated the "Hermis Live" show, the following day.

This Blog Talk Radio show represents the first time Hermis publicly speaks out after WCRN's apparent disapproval of Hermis taking WCRN's tag line of "True Talk", and the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution, serious enough to actually do some "True Talking".

Freedom of Speech in America? Tune in and you be the judge!

Call-in number:646-721-9917