Saturday, November 14, 2009

Emails, Comments & Phone Calls Still Coming in About "Hermis Live" Show Termination

Calls, emails, & comments are still coming in with regard to the sudden termination of the "Hermis Live" radio show by WCRN AM830 almost immediately following a scathing, no holds barred, truthful commentary shedding light onto the questionable and illegal tactics used by State & Federal agents in the roadside detention, arrest, and subsequent conviction of a member of the largest motorcycle club in the world.

This gestapo type take down by taxpayer funded/paid government employees is a slap in the face to all Americans.

It has NEVER been, NOR IS IT NOW, legal for our government employees to break the very laws they are hired to enforce in their overzealous attempts to imprison people they don't like, fear, or simply find reprehensible.

These agents work for US, you and I, and they need to start respecting our rights and liberties or face losing theirs. We CAN demand that agents within law enforcement be held accountable when they violate civil liberties and constitutionally protected rights, and demand they be charged in the Courts of our land. And if the judges let them off, we need to band together legally and politically to remove those judges.

This is OUR country, we the people!

Tune into:
Sunday, November 15, 2009 at 8PM eastern time, and hear Hermis' first public comments on WCRN's termination of "Hermis Live" following his comments about State & Federal agents.

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